When a Personal Stylist cleans out her own closet

by Feb 24, 2020blog0 comments

“Taking everything out of your closet helps you see what can stay, what should go and what your wardrobe really needs.”
Soooo….last week I spent a good portion of my free time cleaning out my own closet! I’ve always considered myself fairly organized, diligent about my clothes, condition of my shoes, bags stuffed, etc. —Well, I might be delusional. I do quick cleanouts often and have the proverbial donation bag of items at the ready. Still, I have never done the “take it all out” approach, because honestly who has the time. Well, I’m a believer now! Doing it this way helped me tremendously, as it’s hard to see some of the hidden corners and shelves in my closet. I’m embarrassed to say I found some things I don’t remember ever having:)
I pulled everything out and put things on rolling racks and used my guest room as one giant closet for the week. It took me a week to go over every piece. My goal is to simplify, rather than complicate my life. I made separate piles for donations, alterations (a great tailor can reinvent a well-loved piece), consignment, and about a handful of “maybes” that if they aren’t worn in 2020, they are going! I don’t always subscribe to this approach because it’s tedious and not always necessary; however, it truly made me scrutinize all the pieces that I’ve been collecting over the years, as well as answer some difficult
questions such as:1.Why am I holding onto this?
2.When was the last time I wore it?
3.Would I wear it now and be truly happy in it? 
Three hard questions that are sometimes more emotional than they should be. I never go into a closet and say, “anything that you haven’t worn in 6 months to a year has gotta go”, nor would I ever subscribe to that idea. Sometimes we hold on to clothes hoping to lose 5-10lbs or because we feel guilty thinking about the hefty price tag from 10 years ago. Maybe we hope a daughter or granddaughter will want it one day. While understandable, holding onto things that are not being worn can complicate your closet and make getting dressed more difficult.

Our lives are usually in a state of transition, sometimes slow and steady, sometimes like a freight train. Things change, so your wardrobe, style, and approach to dressing should too.

I’m always telling my clients to buy investment pieces that will last and to create a wardrobe of great basics first because you can keep these forever. This is still true, but those pieces truly need to represent who you are now and where you are going! How have you changed in the past 1, 5, 10 years? New parent, back to school, back to work, retired, newly married or remarried, divorced, widowed, empty nester, weight gain, loss? Things change, so don’t hold onto the past too much, move forward, and embrace who you are right now! Keep those fabulous investment pieces you own, that you love and wear, and that are relevant to this century. If something doesn’t make the cut after answering the three hard questions, then recycle them, and feel positive about the sustainability effort you are contributing to.

Time to move on to the next phase of whatever makes you happy!

If you need this closet therapy and clarity, just call me. If the process seems daunting (not going to lie, at times it definitely is) let me help you determine what goes, what stays and what’s needed to move the pendulum forward.

Imagine the feeling of walking into a clean, organized, and extremely well-edited closet. It is like a major weight lifted off of your shoulders. Spring is right around the corner so it’s perfect timing to fine-tune the closet and the mind 🌸


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