The Importance of Organization

by Jan 16, 2018blog

Now that we’ve entered a new year it’s time we question what our style says about us. Style goes beyond what clothes you have in your closet – it’s how you present yourself and your surroundings to the world. What does your home decor say about you? What do your wardrobe choices say about you? And most importantly, do my organizational skills convey a chic and clean lifestyle?
A lot of people I know keep their lives perfectly organized and tidy everywhere but in their closets. They have pristine kitchens, offices, even bedrooms but for some reason they can’t get their act together with their clothes.
Portraying the person you want to be starts within your own closet. You use the clothes in your closet to make a statement to the world once you leave your home, so why not keep those statements in an organized fashion.  You need to know what’s in your closet, how to wear it, when to wear it, and how to wear it again for multiple looks.
It is important to keep organized and take inventory of your clothes, shoes, bags, jewelry, undergarments, active wear, and yes…even socks. I know this can be tedious, but is so worth the hassle…and if organizing really isn’t your thing, that’s where I can come in to help.  You could be well organized and completely ready for 2018 starting for as little as $250. Doesn’t that sound like a great investment for you?!
Trust me, a little organization goes a long way. Cleaning your closet will help with other areas of your life as well just by presenting a more polished version of yourself. You will have a better idea of the items in your closet so you can choose carefully how to mix and match items, everything will be pressed and fit properly so you are ready to go….the list of pros could go on forever.
In order to start 2018 with a freshly organized slate, every room in your house should be organized and I truly believe an organized home begins with an organized closet. Once you tackle your closet you will feel energized to go out and conquer the rest. Take it nice and slow by going in stages if that is easier for you. Another alternative is to get it all done quickly so you can get it over with. I have clients who have tackled their entire house in only one or two days. Might be a difficult task but it’s so very worth the reward at the end. If you need a little help organizing, check out my services to see how I can help you start the new year with a clean slate.

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